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The Jurbarkas Disrict Municipality Public Health Bureau, officially founded in 2015, ensures the health of the Jurbarkas Disrict community.

The mission of the Bureau is to help shape the environments within which Jurbarkas disrict community can be safe and healthy.

Contacts of the Bureau:
Address: Lauko g. 17, LT-74157, Jurbarkas
Phone: (8 447) 51 661

Working time:
I – IV 800 - 1700
V 800 - 1545
Lunch break: 12.00 – 12.45

© 2019 Jurbarko rajono savivaldybės visuomenės sveikatos biuras
Lauko g. 17, LT-74157 Jurbarkas | tel. (8 447) 51 661 |
Duomenys kaupiami ir saugomi Juridinių asmenų registre, kodas 303506461

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